Sunday 29 May 2016




Photography Shoot of FInal Collection

I will let the garments speak to you and create a sense of feeling of what I am trying to communicate and show to the public. 
In Image 1 and 2, I used Plastic Bin Bags for the bodice of the jumpsuit to create a poor look and before the colour blue, red was an expensive pigment that only the wealthy could afford so thats why I created the bottom trousers out of royal red fabric.  
In Image 3 I created an Apron to show that Slaves are servants, they have to choice of how to dress, they have to wear tacky garments with frayed edges to show how less of a value they have. I based this on the colour blue to make it vibrant and meaningful, I used scissors to cut the edges of the side and the neck hole to create a sense of breeze. I styled this with grey trousers that have an elastic band on the top of the waist so that the slave is comfortable and able to do their duties but also looks poor and worthless. I chose the colour Grey as its a dull colour and has a lacking interest, I left the bottom edges of the trousers very un tidy and muddled to create a sense of Poverty. 
In Image 4,5,6 and 7 I experimented with fabric dye and started to tare calico into strips to create an illusion of different blue tones, I decided to stitch it on the bottom of the crop sliver metallic top to create movement and sexiness, I styled this with Royal Blue Culottes and added an elastic to the waist and torn bottom edges to therefore show a feeling of forced construction.  
In Image 8 and 9 I settled both of the models together on set to create a sense of friendship and just because ' I am a slave' does not mean I cannot have a friend. I was influenced by the film " The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas" to create a image of two innocent people that do not deserve to be slaves. This is why my models are white as I am reversing the content of how it used to be back in the days into how it would be like if the white was treated like slaves. Two best friends who has dreams for their life but cannot be fulfilled because they are slaves.
In Image 10 and 11 I designed a top with one long sleeve and one short sleeve because I wanted to show how brutal Slavery was back in the days,that Slaves was beaten with weapons that made their clothes torn and ripped because of how different they was compared to the white. I styled this with matching grey trousers with an elastic waist to show how vicious and harsh Slavery was. 
I therefore finished my Shoot with four final outfits that related to Slavery.  

Image 1 
 Image 2 
 Image 3
Image 4
Image 5
 Image 6
 Image 7
 Image 8
Image 9
 Image 10
Image 11

Wednesday 25 May 2016

Idea Developments and Final Line Up

I started to experiment with the thought of garment construction and colour choices to create final designs and look at the way I work an develop my ideas. I still decided to use the colour Blue and experiment with different tones such as light, dark and baby blue. I thought about creating some designs which has no movement within them to show a sense of being trapped and blocked from others and then with my other designs I decided to look at the colour blue in a much more into depth way, this will make it represent a sense of the black and white should be treated equally and their should not be a sense of upper class. 
Within the last image of my final line up, I thought about texture, colour,proportion, angle,view,meaning, I showed my passion and how slavery is seen. I could of enlarged areas of the garment however I wanted it to have a basic look at a textured poor edge towards it.



Even though Slavery did not only happen to the black and also happened to the white, white people think they have a higher class because of the purpose that  they are a different skin colour, they have more of an attractive skin colour and have much of a better value than those who are black. I was influenced by this film because it showed me how much Slavery had a big impact not only on those who are poor but can have an impact on a person who is rich. This is where I started to get my ideas from for the Final Photoshoot. The quotation of " I've never seen him before in my life" broke my heart and made me emotional that the fact the two friends know each other but the wealthy child acted like he does not know the poor bold child because of the fact he's poor and has no value. 

Another movie that I was influenced by that made me cry because thats how much of a harsh movie in regards of Slavery it is. "By the way I  should probably take your passport for safe keeping" She handed her passport as she has to respect the white women because she is nothing without her.             "Under no circumstances are you allowed to leave the house without my permission" The black women is trapped to be a slave with a family she does not know, she is not getting paid, she is nothing, she is separated from her child,she is just a slave that has to follow the rules and if she does not she faces a bad punishment. When I watched this movie as part of my research it helped me develop and start thinking like a Slave, It made me emotional, angry,upset,lonely,fragile,crazy and insecure, this helped me to create a strong piece of work that included me to start writing a poem.

Vlogging in regards of other people's feedback of Slavery:

I asked a few people at my University, how they will describe Slavery in one word and if they still think Slavery is containing at the moment I have uploaded their responses and the whole purpose of this was to see how other people feel and believe about Slavery. I want to see if its also something that others are thinking about and also get their feedback behind the whole purpose of Slavery. The feedback I got helped me a lot in terms of my knowledge and development process, it really made me so much determined within the subject that other peoples opinions matter to me as an overall conclusion.  I have uploaded 3 of the best video's that truly inspired me.
  • Name
  • Age
  • Where are you from?
  • Describe Slavery in one word
  • Do you think Slavery is continuing in this generation?

History and Development

I was influenced by the topic of Slavery as Racism was something common that happened when slavery occurred. If Racism did not happen and everyone accepted each other for who they are and how they are, Slavery would have not triggered but it did and majority of the time a lot of black slaves was forced to do things and got shipped to different countries just so that they didn't end up dead. Slaves was not allowed to have communication with their family and children and if they did their children and family would get killed. Slaves were known as a different name and had to be what a white person wanted them to be and how they wanted them to be viewed by other people. I think now in this generation Slavery still does happen to other cultures and backgrounds, I personally think Slavery has become worse and has continued as a thing that is allowed, Slavery is not a good thing no matter where a person is from and how they are raised.  In the fourth image, this is how Slaves was dressed, they were always wearing material that was not warm but was comfortable for them to work in 24 hours. I was influenced to create a collection for the topic Slavery with torn edges, un neaten edges, textured based quality and a sense of warmth, I wanted to create a feeling to other people when they see or view my work a softer and warmer heart because Slaves was treated as a thing not as a person. In the last image I started to develop my ideas by using calico and a pair of scissors to create a sharp but textured garment, this helped me with development and with ways I could improve and to also be aware of if this would work if I did create this as a final piece or used a selection area as a final piece. This created an audience for me during my time of development as it made students and staff question me and trigger my thoughts to something much more diverse and larger. 

A Short History of Slavery/ Blue Pigment

I started to experiment with Blue spray paint as blue was an expensive pigment back in the days, so I therefore experimented with calico and spray paint to create an apron this is because Slavery is something extremely brutal that happened to a lot of people around the world. i read a book called      " A Short History of Slavery" this book helped me with my knowledge and understanding as I was not born around the 1619's. I took a content of the book that I liked and that gave me a vibe and highlighted the areas I was mostly shocked upon. This helped me create design developments out of blue pigment and use a pair of scissors to create a strong torn effect. Back in the days, around 1619's blue was a very expensive pigment that only the wealthy white's could afford, anyone who wore blue you would immediately know that they are rich and have some sort of power that the poor black people did not.  I decided to reverse how things was and use the colour blue to create a feeling and to show my development as Slavery is a key content that a lot of the public is not aware off.  after I started to experiment with Knit, as thats a cheap material that was also worn back in the days and combined spray paint within it to create texture and compassion.

 I started to record a few people at my university to get a better understanding of what they think Slavery is and if they think, if its still continuing in this generation. I got some really interesting answers as its helped me with my development thoughts and ideas to picture aspects in the way they see it.

Final Film

I am very happy with my film as it relates to what I am trying to communicate, its original and its not to much and its not to long. I think that the recording was much more stronger than Rehearsal 1 which was located in the carpark this was because even though its the same dance and the same music, they have both created different emotion and feelings. I therefore think Rehearsal 2 was much more stronger. In terms of costume, my dancer was not happy about dancing in a dress as she did not feel comfortable but I therefore forced her to wear the dress and this already create a sense of energy and anger as she was not happy about the costume.  I used a black and white effect as I thought it was a better way to relate to how slavery was back in the days around 1619's and to give a strong attitude and vibe when the viewers watch it.
Lyrics to Poem: 
She is hitting me,she is attacking me
she is not allowing me to be who I’m meant to be.
 She makes me cry and she makes me pray, I want to see my children but that is not ok.
 I clean for her, I beg her, I am still kind to her, I AM JUST A SLAVE. 
I want justice, I want freedom
I want justice, I want freedom

Rehearsal 1 and Rehearsal 2- Film

Rehearsal 1: I started to record,using in a car park to see how it would look and if the dance would suit the poem and ways I could help my dancer improve her emotions and anger towards Slavery. 
 I wanted to see what sort of atmosphere the location would create and if I wanted to produce my final film in a car park or else where. This gave me the chance to explore and develop my ideas further.  This gave me the chance to also think about Costume and what my dancer should wear. At first I wanted her to wear my garments that I produced for my collection however I wanted the meaning of my poem to shine more than the clothing so that the public is aware of their surrounding and to be updated in regards of what happens around the world.
I realised that rehearsal 1 was not that strong as the location did not match with what I was trying to communicate but on the other hand this made me ready for the final shooting of the film and made my dancer much more comfortable and confident when she was dancing for the final recording. 

Instead I decided to do a rehearsal in one of the studio's at my university, this gained a better vibe and created a better quality when I was recording, this made my dancer much more comfortable with the space around her to create a good solid vibe of what Slavery is about. I decided to engage the dance with the round window as it created a sense of suffering and loneliness. This made the viewers have a strong vibe when they watched the video as it emotionally broke them into pieces.
I used the software Adobe Premiere Pro to help me edit the video, change the colour and add the recording. This gave me the chance to explore and learn new aspects of a software that I have not used before. I have added a screenshot of the editing process to show that ,I was the one who edited and produced the film. 

Tuesday 10 May 2016

Film based on Poem

During my Final Major Project I have realised that my topic is very conceptual and my concept is very powerful, I want to show the public how I think and produce work not only through sewing and drawing but verbally. I wrote a poem called "I am just a Slave" that has been redone as I re recorded it and added more strength to the poem. I will produce a film by 11th May 2016 in the style of dancing to show my passion and what this poem is trying to communicate to the public and to those who are looking through my work. I want to be able to show my true passion for Slavery and how much of a personal topic it is to myself.

I have added this song that my dancer, Leimi will be dancing to during the shooting of the film. This will represent power and emotions through dance and words. 

The Piano - Amazing Short - Animation by Aidan Gibbons, Music by Yann Tiersen

This is my new recording of my poem that I have developed, It will be featured in my film that I will produce. My poem has a lot of meaning and power and I will reflect it on dance and movement. 

Saturday 30 April 2016

Snapchat Research

Top 5 Responses.

Getting the public's reaction in regards of what they think slavery is and how they think white and black was treated around the 1619's.By me making a snapchat video was a good way to get feedback in regards of how much people believe strongly about slavery and how much people was affected back then that is also affected now in this generation. I did not think,by me making a snapchat video would get me a good amount of responses on snapchat, the amount of responses I got was very touching because it showed that things around us like Slavery still matters because this is how i feel racism started, if we was all divided into aspect of colour it would cause conflict for example the white had enough money to wear good clothing and afford to get slaves to do their duties, however the black did not have anything, they only had some clothing that would cover their personal areas but nothing that was long lasting or warm.

Snapchat Video: 29/04/16

One of my favourite Snapchatter, Hamzah responded to my video saying: I highly agree with him as white people had power because they were more beautiful than the black and that is WRONG. This is how Slavery and Racism started because their was no equality between other races and cultures and now this has triggered into this generation where some people still have that mentality that black people are nothing and white people are everything. 

One of my favourite junior designer, Pamlar responded saying: "Slavery influence the lives we have today. Today we have justice, equality and rights for all" I love how we are blessed with people who believe that slavery was wrong and is not afraid to say what they think.

One of my good friend, Kate responded saying:" However having not come from a family with a history or background in slavery, I find it hard to relate to and I also find I don't know much about it" This is why my Final Major Project is based on Slavery because not a lot of people are aware of the situation and as I think its important for everyone to be aware of the situation. 

My Stylish Snapchatter, Nilo responded saying: "How can a person believe that causing someone pain and suffering is considered righteous and noble" I agree with this quotation because its very true, you should always respect other people and for someone who has a lot of power such as the white then the action they took forward was disgraceful and will never be forgotten.

Karishma, my Intelligent relative responded saying: "Black lives matter" sure it does, thats why the white done,what they done because they cared about the black. I wish everyone had power because of their beauty however live does not work like that and still in this generation a lot of people still think black people are not worth anything and still believe Slavery should continue.

Tuesday 26 April 2016

Final Major Project: Stand Work

I started of by doing stand work and experimenting with plastic, I realised that using plastic is a difficult way to experiment however i gave it a try and played around with layering, pinning and gathering plastic to create an object. I started to add more plastic and take out certain pieces that did not work. I made a journal of this so I can see my stand work and process. Some aspects worked and some aspects did not. This was a way for me to work in a different way if things did not work out. As a Designer I have to show my ability of working with different media and being able to handle different aspects at the same time. Working with plastic is very difficult as its a very light and delicate material that can cause to rip if things are not taking proper care towards.
I started to create shapes and show whats in my mind on stand, I cut, torn and scrunched up pieces of plastic to help me develop my ideas even further. From this I started to continue designing on photoshop with what I took pictures off and started to embrace what I created by scaling areas that needed to be larger. As a Designer I thought about how it would be warn if a customer was going to purchase it and how it would feel. i have to think about my customer service to make my idea work if it turned into a garment in reality. 
I will develop my idea even further by creating an illusion for the viewers by combining different elements into one such as using fabric, paint, coloured paper,wire, thread or wool. Back to when I started designing on photoshop, it made me see my idea visually in terms of how it would look if a customer warn it as it made me think of the fact that its plastic and its a very light material that can rip apart so how can I make it secure and long lasting for my customer.
I think stand work is an important step for a designer because its like when you draw you get all your ideas down just like when your doing stand work. You are making it 3D like showing your samples and if customers would like it.
I need to relate my stand work to my research and concept so I can develop it by matching it to my theme and seeing what else I can do to make it conceptual and give my stand work a vibe and a feeling when the viewers analysis it. This may be the way slaves was treated and give viewers a feel of what it was like during the 1619’s around the world when slavery happened.

Monday 25 April 2016


LISTEN, PRESS PLAY: I wrote a poem called I AM JUST A SLAVE in regards of how I felt about slavery as an Individual and how I felt it effected others that went through slavery.

"She is hitting me, she is attacking me and she's not allowing me to be who I'm meant to be. She makes me cry and she makes me pray. I want to see my children but that is not okay. I clean for her, I beg her and I am still kind to her. I am just a slave."

Final Major Project: Why is the colours I am looking at Blue and Red?

Blue and Red

I have a true understanding of Slavery and how it was back in the days against the white and the black. I experimented and researched my ideas and developed my knowledge. back in the days around the 1619's black people did not have no clothes, they were chained, only had some clothing that would cover their private areas. They did not have the same right as the white and did not have the same wealth or the same respect. Black people was seen as nothing, they were seen as servants, cleaners and was bullied to do many duties, this made it hard for them as they were not allowed to have the right to see their families, children and do what they loved or what they wanted.
The colour blue was a very expensive pigment that only the rich could afford wore this give them stability and ownership within their society because they had money, power and was above the black people. I want to reverse the roles of how slavery was looked at within clothing by putting them in bright colour clothing such as blue to represent their hard work.
Another bright colour that was warn a lot was the colour red this was because it not only showed that they had stability but they had much more than what the black would never have. During my final major project I am going to show how the black and white should be treated as a whole and how wealth and poverty should not have anything to do with power.
My first two pieces is bright and bold, it shows how I have taken my own knowledge and transferred the bright colours such as red and blue that the black couldn't afford and make garments that slaves would of represented this would be displayed on black models to show that we are all ONE.
I started to use black bin bags for the bodice of my garment and bright red fabric for the bottom of the suit to represent the knowledge I have based on my colours that only certains could wear or afford.
My second piece is blue, bold and dusty creates texture, I used knit for embellishment and attached it on specific areas, this was because knit is a cheap material just like plastic. I therefore thought this worked well with my idea as its affordable and something you would slaves wear, I started to rip the edges of the apron to create a sense of feeling.

Furthermore I will lead my ideas to create a larger  collection of garments for my final grading of my final major project.


Development ideas using Fabric Swatches to create designs via Photoshop. 

Starting to look at ideas as a line up and how things would be if I decided to do it this certain way. I started to experiment with Calico by doing a template and practising my ideas to see if it would work and if it did not.