Saturday 30 April 2016

Snapchat Research

Top 5 Responses.

Getting the public's reaction in regards of what they think slavery is and how they think white and black was treated around the 1619's.By me making a snapchat video was a good way to get feedback in regards of how much people believe strongly about slavery and how much people was affected back then that is also affected now in this generation. I did not think,by me making a snapchat video would get me a good amount of responses on snapchat, the amount of responses I got was very touching because it showed that things around us like Slavery still matters because this is how i feel racism started, if we was all divided into aspect of colour it would cause conflict for example the white had enough money to wear good clothing and afford to get slaves to do their duties, however the black did not have anything, they only had some clothing that would cover their personal areas but nothing that was long lasting or warm.

Snapchat Video: 29/04/16

One of my favourite Snapchatter, Hamzah responded to my video saying: I highly agree with him as white people had power because they were more beautiful than the black and that is WRONG. This is how Slavery and Racism started because their was no equality between other races and cultures and now this has triggered into this generation where some people still have that mentality that black people are nothing and white people are everything. 

One of my favourite junior designer, Pamlar responded saying: "Slavery influence the lives we have today. Today we have justice, equality and rights for all" I love how we are blessed with people who believe that slavery was wrong and is not afraid to say what they think.

One of my good friend, Kate responded saying:" However having not come from a family with a history or background in slavery, I find it hard to relate to and I also find I don't know much about it" This is why my Final Major Project is based on Slavery because not a lot of people are aware of the situation and as I think its important for everyone to be aware of the situation. 

My Stylish Snapchatter, Nilo responded saying: "How can a person believe that causing someone pain and suffering is considered righteous and noble" I agree with this quotation because its very true, you should always respect other people and for someone who has a lot of power such as the white then the action they took forward was disgraceful and will never be forgotten.

Karishma, my Intelligent relative responded saying: "Black lives matter" sure it does, thats why the white done,what they done because they cared about the black. I wish everyone had power because of their beauty however live does not work like that and still in this generation a lot of people still think black people are not worth anything and still believe Slavery should continue.