Wednesday 25 May 2016

History and Development

I was influenced by the topic of Slavery as Racism was something common that happened when slavery occurred. If Racism did not happen and everyone accepted each other for who they are and how they are, Slavery would have not triggered but it did and majority of the time a lot of black slaves was forced to do things and got shipped to different countries just so that they didn't end up dead. Slaves was not allowed to have communication with their family and children and if they did their children and family would get killed. Slaves were known as a different name and had to be what a white person wanted them to be and how they wanted them to be viewed by other people. I think now in this generation Slavery still does happen to other cultures and backgrounds, I personally think Slavery has become worse and has continued as a thing that is allowed, Slavery is not a good thing no matter where a person is from and how they are raised.  In the fourth image, this is how Slaves was dressed, they were always wearing material that was not warm but was comfortable for them to work in 24 hours. I was influenced to create a collection for the topic Slavery with torn edges, un neaten edges, textured based quality and a sense of warmth, I wanted to create a feeling to other people when they see or view my work a softer and warmer heart because Slaves was treated as a thing not as a person. In the last image I started to develop my ideas by using calico and a pair of scissors to create a sharp but textured garment, this helped me with development and with ways I could improve and to also be aware of if this would work if I did create this as a final piece or used a selection area as a final piece. This created an audience for me during my time of development as it made students and staff question me and trigger my thoughts to something much more diverse and larger. 

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