Thursday 10 March 2016

3 word

Gerhard Richter, Journey and Drape

I decided to pick the word JOURNEY because there is so much I can write about and do that revolves around Journey. Journey from home to university, university to home or journey through generation, journey through life, journey through experience but I decided to look at Journey through colour, how does colour effect an individual through feelings, life, emotions or generation.
I started of by doing an interpretation of Gerhard's Richter piece by using his style to create an illusion through colour that reflects on my 3 words. I used acyrlic paint and
my design developments combined into one to create a print that I played around with on the stand and created designs out of my print.

I experimented with my print on the stand creating different styles and layouts, draping and seeing what would work and what wouldn't look good. Trying different shapes and overlaying fabric to get a sense of illusion and texture. 

I used my own print to create a number of designs that represented Journey and Colour. I focused on shape and proportion showing different emotions and moods throughout my designs. 


I visited The Saatchi Gallery and was inspired by Jelena Bulajic art piece, their was so much detail that looked so real and the texture that was created made me think about the journey through life and how I could use this within my design collages. 

I went to a fabric company and got materials that I knew would relate well to my designs that I created on Photoshop. I thought about colour and texture as much as I thought about layout and structure. The reason why I used Jelena Bulajic work as the head on my work was because it shows you how much generation and people change and this all relates to colour therefore this relates to journey .

I decided to create a top out of calico to experiment and see if I would be happy with creating the same structure on my print fabric. Thinking about my pattern pieces, stitches that I done on my garment and structure that was created. This gave me the chance to experiment with calico to create my final calico piece. 

I decided to relate my final piece to the original print I created and was inspired by Gerhard Richter style of painting, I wanted to capture the moments of journey through colour and by looking at aspects that motivated me to create designs that related to my 3 word project. I focused on colour and structure to show journey, I didn't want it to be obvious but I wanted the viewer to have a sense of a journey when they look at my final 10 line up.

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