Friday 19 February 2016


Detail Project:

When I started the Detail project I researched the military war and got inspiration and ideas based on the history and the fashion. I had to do quick detail drawings of selective areas such as collars, pockets,buttons or sleeves and expand it on trousers, dresses or tops to see how it would look if I did create the design. I done a variety of pages and got fabric samples of what colours I would use to create it. Such as light blue, black and white. I then started creating quick line ups using a HB pencil to get an idea of how it would look  and to get an idea of colour and scale. 

I done experimentations on the Stand to help me develop my ideas and focus on a specific detail area such as buttons, enlarging it on the photocopier and seeing how it would look on the manniequin as thats the nearest thing to human scale. I done many experimentations on the stand and took pictures of my development process to also see visual what looked great and what did not.

I produced six quick line up selecting an area to detail and focus on.  I created collages out of magazine cut outs and captured an area using a black pen to create the illusion of the illustration. I enlarged my detail areas on the photocopier and created large pieces on the stand to help me with my development and ideas. I then selected an illustration from my lines ups to create my final piece, I experimented by creating collages and adding  colour by using pro markers.

I done a final line up  based around pockets, buttons and collars, I added a little bit of colour to get a rough idea of how it would look if I did make this collection and how it related to my research and ideas.